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What is "canned food"

What is "canned food"

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2022-02-19
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(Summary description)Canned food refers to food that meets the requirements of commercial sterility and can be stored for a long time at room temperature by processing, preparing, canning, sealing, sterilizing, cooling, or aseptically filling raw materials that meet the requirements. The process technology of canned food has two key features: sealing and sterilization.

What is "canned food"

(Summary description)Canned food refers to food that meets the requirements of commercial sterility and can be stored for a long time at room temperature by processing, preparing, canning, sealing, sterilizing, cooling, or aseptically filling raw materials that meet the requirements. The process technology of canned food has two key features: sealing and sterilization.

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2022-02-19 09:02
  • Views:

Canned food refers to food that meets the requirements of commercial sterility and can be stored for a long time at room temperature by processing, preparing, canning, sealing, sterilizing, cooling, or aseptically filling raw materials that meet the requirements. The process technology of canned food has two key features: sealing and sterilization.

However, food that is not in a sealed container can be called canned food, such as bottled fermented bean curd, seasoning sauce, honey, canned milk powder, Coca-Cola, etc. are not canned food.

Canned food has the characteristics of long shelf life, convenient consumption, safety and health, nutrition and health. The invention of canned food has a history of nearly two hundred years, its technology is mature, and the consumer market is all over the world. my country's canned food industry began in the early days of the founding of New China, from the resistance to US aggression and aid Korea to the early reform and opening up, and made important contributions to my country's export of foreign exchange and economic construction. At present, my country has become the main producer and exporter of canned food in the world, and canned food is still my country's main export processed food.


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What is "canned food"
Canned food refers to food that meets the requirements of commercial sterility and can be stored for a long time at room temperature by processing, preparing, canning, sealing, sterilizing, cooling, or aseptically filling raw materials that meet the requirements. The process technology of canned food has two key features: sealing and sterilization.
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Origin of canned food
In 1809, the world trade was prosperous. Seamen who lived on ships for a long time fell ill because they could not eat fresh vegetables, fruits and other foods, and some suffered from severe life-threatening scurvy.
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